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Value Discovery and Management Project

Enabling Value Management and Creation within Your Business

Managing a business with the goal of value creation is a universally accepted notion. Most companies, both public and private, state that the creation of value is their overarching economic goal and a key plank of corporate strategy. Yet many have not adequately engineered their management processes and systems to focus on the creation of value, and therefore lack the ability to identify where value is created or destroyed, and how best to address related performance challenges and opportunities.

Arche Value Management’s Value Discovery and Management Project will provide a comprehensive re-view of the economic performance of your business, an evaluation of the effectiveness of your management systems to direct value creation, and the development of a detailed roadmap for the integration of value based management throughout your organization. The Value Discovery and Management Project is the surest and quickest way to introduce value based management to your business, and thereby focus your management team on the goal of performance improvement and value creation.

Download Value Discovery and Management Project (PDF – 4 pages, 200 KB)